Cambridge University

An old and prestigious university in the UK. Widely considered to be one of the two best British universities, along with Oxford. In most rankings of universities, Cambridge comes either first or second in the UK, and in the top 10 worldwide (along with the likes of Harvard, Yale and MIT). However, the traditional view of a clear hierarchy of British universities is increasingly being considered outmoded, with many other institutions (such as UCL, LSE, Durham and Imperial College London) being considered to rival Oxford and Cambridge in many respects. Stereotypes surrounding Cambridge students include that they’re all from wealthy backgrounds, that they’re all nerds, that they’re all snobs and that they’re all from the South of England.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Cambridge University. Some of the top words include: D3adlode, pooves, Queens English, secondary school, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and 25 more.